
Welcome to My World

Birth: January 16, 1945

I was born in Bandril. Barrio Bandril of Nagbukel.

Nagbukel was part of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.  Nagbukel became a Municipality on its own in 1898.

I do not know how Bandril got its name.  As for Nagbukel, the legend tells about the existence of a high mountain somewhere the eastern part of the town that could be seen from a great distance which was so round that it appeared like the top of a hat.1   When the people saw this, they exclaimed “NAGBUKEL”, meaning so round.

In 1945 Japan occupied the Philippines. My Mother and Family evacuated to Bandril to escape the Japanese. 

I had a Nurse for a midwife. She is Lilang Onong. Her full name is Onong Cabe of Barrio Abour. How she is related to us is through my grandmother, Francisca Cabe on my Father side.

My father interacted with the Japanese at the town elementary school called the Gabaldon. The Gabaldon [photo] was used by the Japanese as their headquarters.

1945-1950 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010 2011-2020